Amazon Connect: New Feature – Power Of Generative AI

All have been using Amazon Connect AWS (a cloud-based contact center solution) and the amazing features offered by the platform. But now you will get the new features powered by Generative AI to take customer experience to the next level.

Until now we used to create unified profiles for customers and manage the same. When there is a change in the customer unified profile update the same in DB, if there is a change in attribute either add or delete the attribute.

Now with the new Amazon Connect, powered by AWS generative ai services, customer data mapping capability has changed, customer related data is taken from various points and produced for further use as a single source. With this, you can have more personalized customer experiences.

What Data Generative AI Can Mapp

Currently, 70+ no-code data connectors are available for customers to use and consume. Data connectors such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Adobe Analytics, or Salesforce.

Amazon Connect will help you analyze the data from these different sources and automatically determine the way to combine and organize data available from different formats across these data sources.

What you need to do is drag and drop the required data points to create your Customer Profiles. Yes, you are right it’s no-code data connectors and as an administrator, you can use drag-and-drop functionality to create your customized Customer Profiles.

Don’t worry about the different formats of data, the generative AI will take care of it and generate unified profiles in Amazon Connect for you.

As a contact center administrator, you can review and complete the setup of customer profiles by using a few clicks. This will help to give agents relevant customer information. Also, you can dynamically personalize IVRs. This will help you to improve customer satisfaction and also further bring efficiency to agent productivity.

New Features & Enhancements Provided By Using Generative AI

Amazon Q

Amazon Q can help you to get the relevant answers to pressing questions. It can look for multiple sources and generate the answer to the question asked. It can also automate tasks helping agents to give more prompt service to customers. It can also solve problems and help to generate content. This will add to the customer satisfaction index.

Amazon Connect Contact Lens

This feature can detect sentiment during conversations, for this, it takes the help of AI-generated call summaries. It can also validate these call summaries against compliance policies and provide insights to contact center managers.

For instance, now the manager will get an email alert, if GenAI finds the chat contact turned negative, identifying the customer sentiment helps the manager to join the process and resolve the customer issue.

Amazon Lex 2

With this feature you can build conversational interfaces in applications, you can build Chatbots (Amazon Connect chat bot), or automate informational responses.

Now you can integrate Amazon Lex within Amazon Connect, these Amazon Connect integrations will help you create better chatbots and IVR (interactive voice response) systems. This leverages NLP (natural language prompts). As this is using natural language prompts customer experience is more intuitive and seamless.

Amazon Connect – In-app, web, and video capabilities

You can use this communication widget that can integrate with a few lines of code in web and mobile applications. This helps your customer to get support from a web or mobile application of yours. Customers don’t need to leave the page to get the online support.

This widget helps to have Video calls, which can be enabled by either the agent only, or customer, or both. You can configure this feature to control the usage and call initiation.

This will help you to give your customers a better experience with your support services.

Region-wise Availability

Generative AI powered customer data mapping is available in which regions?

Currently, this feature Gen AI customer data mapping is available in 9 AWS regions.

  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • Africa (Cape Town)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • Asia Pacific (Seoul)
  • Canada (Central)
  • Europe (Frankfurt)
  • Europe (London)

How Gen AI Works?

Phase I: Gen AI will go through the uploaded samples and based on that it will determine the suitable object type for the target.

Phase II: LLM (Large Language Model) is used to process the custom attributes and then map them to default profile attributes.

Phase III: Using LLM selection of the suitable attributes that can serve as keys is done.

Phase VI: Using the timestamps chronological order of the records is decided.

Based on the process system will be able to generate the mapping of different attributes in less time after combining the prediction results.

Amazon Connect Pricing

Amazon Connect (cloud contact center) pricing – pay-as-you-go model.

  • No minimum monthly fees
  • No long-term commitments
  • No upfront license charges
  • You only pay for what you use.

There is also a free tier, you can start using Amazon Connect for free

AWS Free Tier

As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Amazon Connect for free.

Learn more on Amazon Connect cost.


The features offered are great and GenAI is a promising technology, enterprise users are also looking forward to an increase in usage in the future.

Though it is available in 9 regions as of now, we hope to see an increase in the adoption and new features introduction in the future.

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